Rekrygaala 2018

The first Rekrygaala in Finland awarded the best in recruitment.
Rekrygaala took a step closer to creating ground rules in the industry and announced the principles for better recruitment. By signing the principles, recruitment professionals and their organisations commit to fairness.
The Recruitment Act of the Year
The Recruitment Act of the Year can be any act from the past 12 months that has, directly or indirectly, had a positive impact on individuals, a community, or society through means of recruitment.
25 mahdollisuutta työelämään
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The best job ad
Työn uattelija
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Innovator in Recruiting
Innovator in Recruiting can be either a person or an organisation that has conducted valuable work to develop the field of recruitment.
Anu Ahokas
Toimitusjohtaja, StaffPoint
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The Recruiter of the Year
The Recruiter of the Year can be a person whose work in recruiting for their own organisation or their clients has been exceptionally excellent and successful in the past 12 months.
Saana Rossi
Head of Recruitment and Employer Branding, Vincit
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Rekrygaala 2018 aftermovie
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