Rekrygaala 2022

The year 2022 was special for Rekrygaala, as it was organized for the fifth time already.
On Thursday, November 3, 2022, we once again gathered under one roof to celebrate the brightest stars of the recruitment industry. The awards were presented in five categories at the Old Student House in Helsinki: Recruitment Act of the Year, Recruitment Campaign of the Year, Innovator in Recruiting, Recruiter of the Year, and Employer Brand of the Year. In addition, the jury gave a first-ever Special Recognition Award to one of the finalist candidates.
Recruitment Act of the Year
The Recruitment Act of the Year can be any act carried out within the past 12 months that has, directly or indirectly, had a positive impact on individuals, communities, or society through means of recruitment.
Security Through Work Project
Staffpoint & EK
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The Recruitment Campaign of the Year
The Recruitment Campaign of the Year can be an exceptionally creditable and successful recruitment campaign, which has been conducted within the past 12 months and has utilised creativity and out-of-the-box thinking in both planning and execution. The campaign can contain one or more elements, such as a job ad, a campaign page, and/or a video.
Nurmijärven kunta
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Innovator in Recruiting
The Innovator in Recruiting is a person, team or organisation that has conducted valuable work in improving recruitment, thus reforming the whole industry. In this category, the key players behind pioneering development projects are brought to the limelight, and the award is given to an operator who has demonstrated an ability to reform recruiting in a bold, creative, and visionary manner.
Startup refugees
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Recruiter of the Year
The Recruiter of the Year can be a person whose work in recruiting for their own organisation or their clients has been exceptionally excellent and successful in the past 12 months.
Anna-Kaisa Arvo
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Employer Brand of the Year
The award is given to an employer who has systematically built their attractive employer brand. The entries are judged based on long-term strategic brand-building rather than individual campaigns.
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Rekrygaala 2022 aftermovie
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